FIT SUPREMACY BEASTFUEL Whey Protein is a back to the basics, no-nonsense whey blend, without fillers such as maltodextrin, fructose or other low-cost ingredients. BEASTFUEL provides a high level of bioavailable naturally occurring amino acids making it ideal for building lean muscle.
BEASTFUEL also contains the digestive enzymes: Papain and Protease for better protein absorption, Digestion, which aids in more efficient protein synthesis. When it comes to packing on size and strength, muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is key — again, it’s the main mechanism through which your muscles actually grow. Because each form of protein triggers MPS in slightly different ways, it can be advantageous to combine both whey isolate and concentrate if your goal is building muscle.
Whey isolate’s rapid absorption rate produces a quick spike in muscle protein synthesis, which is perfect post-workout where your muscles are most in need of nutrients. But whey concentrate ultimately produces a greater spike in MPS over a longer period of time, which can help supply your muscles with the nutrients they need long after your workout.
WHEY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE- Whey protein concentrate is the most common and popular type of whey protein powder and is produced when milk is filtered, and the whey protein dried. It usually contains around 80% protein, a small amount of fat, and some carbs. The carb and fat numbers aren’t high, so it’s going to be fine for anyone on a regular diet, a mass-gain diet or even a cutting phase. Even if you need to get really nerdy with your numbers, the carbs and fats in a typical whey concentrate won’t mess with your macros.
Whey protein isolate has been filtered further than whey concentrate and has more of the fats and lactose (carbs) removed. It, therefore, has a higher protein percentage and is absorbed more quickly than whey concentrate. Because it’s low in lactose, it can be beneficial for people who have trouble with dairy products.